Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Scaryoke Spooktacular Success!

Our one year anniversary monster's ball was a beastly success! So many people were foaming at the mouth to find out what happened to Baby New Sound! For those of you who couldn't grace our hallowed halls, it was sold out evening packed wall-to-wall with scaryoke-goers in blood-curdling costumes. A ferocious pack of artists and filmmakers crafted karaoke-mutations that MESMERIZED as they haunted all 4 walls of Monkeytown.
Haunting yet exquisite memories from the night include (but are not limited to..)

NINA SCHWANSE'S steamy starstruck LOVE IN THIS CLUB butchered to perfection by DANNY BALGLEY!

TARA MATEIK giving us cat-scratch fever to a furry-licous feline-obsessed performance/video for HELLO!
BEN COONLEY tearing down the haunted mansion to JESSE MCLEAN'S CREEP and his pussies-galore MONSTER-MASH!
MARY HARTMAN taking a break from mass murderers only to sing the paralyzing SCARY MONSTERS by JOSH THORSON!
Kate Bush taking over LIZZIE'S body for a jaw-dropping rendition of WUTHERING HEIGHTS!
JEANINE OLESON, a fearsome modern primitive clad in pelts, summoning THUNDERDOME and Armageddon!
KATY PYLE & HEDIA MARON possessing EYES WITHOUT A FACE and starting a towering inferno!
The OTHER PEOPLE'S zombie-licous back-from-the-dead, edge-of-your-seat re-animation of TLC's CREEP!
The kinky hip-hop BLACK CAT elixir concocted by LAURYN SEIGAL and JILLIAN PENA for a spankingly delicious video and performance!
DOUGLAS MARTIN'S conjuring of BOB to sing FALLING in a nightmare inducing video ode to Laura Palmer.
The brain-devouring CRANBERRIES meets George A Romero cobbling of ZOMBIE by resident Solid Gold Dancer CAT TYC!
JEANNE LIOTTA'S pixel-raising vexifying MAGIC MAN performed to terrifying pitch-fork perfection by SARA MARCUS!
The OBSESSED, MAN EATING nightmare culled from the depths of Hell by CHRISTY GAST and EMILY!
Book-ending our Scaryoke library, MIKE ROBINSON'S mutations of HOLD ME NOW and WHAT A FOOL BELIEVES performed by Satan herself! And finally YVETTE CHOY'S absolutely HEART-STOPPING, STABBINGLY SCARILICOUS LIVE VIDEO MIXING FOR THE ENTIRE NIGHT!!!!! Muahahahah!
All this to give BABY NEW SOUND a proper send off to PLANET NEVERLAND....

Find out what happened to Baby New Sound in our NEW VIDEO: YOUR HEARTBEATS ARE NOT ALONE. Watch it now!

Supernatural thanks for all eternity!!!
Bobby Service & Black Waterfall

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